IF Function – Google Sheets

The IF function in Google Sheets checks a condition and returns a specific value if it’s true and, optionally, another value if it’s false.

You can use the IF function independently in a single logical test or nest multiple IF statements into a single formula for more complex tests. Optionally, consider using the IFS statements for multiple conditions.


=IF(logical_expression, value_if_true, value_if_false)

Similar Functions

IFS– Evaluates multiple conditions and returns a value

COUNTIF – Count cells that match a criterion

SUMIF – Sum values that match a criterion

COUNTUNIQUEIFS – Count unique values that meet multiple criteria

Example 1 – IF Greater Than a Number

First, we’ll see if the amounts in column A are greater than 10.

The IF function seeing if a number is great than 10
Greater Than 10

Formula used: =IF(A2>10, "Yes", "No")

This formula checks if the value in cell A2 is greater than 10. If it is, the formula returns “Yes”. If it is not, the formula returns “No”. The word “No” will be returned for any value other than a number greater than 10. Therefore, it there is text in the cell, the formula will return “No”.

Example 2 – IF Contains a Word

Now we will see if a certain word, “Yes” in this case, is in a cell.

Indicate if something is approved based on the values in the previous column
Return the Word “Approved” if “Yes”

Formula used: =IF(B2="Yes", "Approved", "Not approved")

This formula checks if the value in cell B2 is “Yes”. If it is, the formula returns “Approved”. If it is not, the formula returns “Not approved”.

Example 3 – Nested IF Statements

Lastly, we’ll combine IF statements to handle a more complex situation.

Return an action word based on the text in a cell
Return an Action Based on a Color

Formula used: =IF(A2="Red", "Stop", IF(A2="Yellow", "Slow down", "Go"))

This formula checks if the value in cell A2 is “Red”. When it is “Red”, the formula returns “Stop”. If it is not, the formula checks if the value in cell A2 is “Yellow”. If it is, the formula returns “Slow down”. When it is neither “Red” nor “Yellow”, the formula returns “Go”.

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